
Wild Irish Roses of County Clare

Wild Irish Roses of County Clare

Wild Irish Roses burst into color in the enchanting Irish countryside over Lissycasey, County Clare, Ireland. Now, if you’re like me, just saying the name of those lovely flowers has the song running through...

A collection of Irish summer flowers against the lush greenery of the County Clare countryside.

Irish Summer Floral Display

While the beauty of the Emerald Isle has been the subject of poetry, prose and art for many years, the annual transformation of the Irish countryside from the perpetual 40 shades of green to...

boat flower planter

What floats your boat? Flowers, of course…

What floats your boat? Why, flowers, of course… It’s bright, colorful and offers the serenity of a floral display against a backdrop of a stone wall on a criss-crossed stone sidewalk in the lovely...

Fairy Thimbles and Ferns

Fairy Thimbles and Ferns in the Irish Countryside

Sunny weather has triggered the annual explosion of color in the Irish countryside as Foxglove, the brilliant purple wildflower also called “Fairy Thimbles,” blooms alongside ferns and other greenery. Foxglove is a biennial native...