A Thanksgiving Message…

Bench at Lake Knockalough
Bench at Lake Knockalough, County Clare

This is one of my favourite times of the year, not just because of the Autumn colours and the “fireplace weather.” The Thanksgiving season puts me in a reflective mood — a mood of gratitude and appreciation for the successes, challenges and even the failures of the past years.

While we don’t formally celebrate Thanksgiving here in Ireland, some restaurants do put on a big American-style Thanksgiving Dinner, and I’ll probably venture out for a meal.

More importantly, though, I love to take some time to think about how far we’ve come, even amid great turmoil in the world. It’s a time to very intentionally seek out and focus on the good things going on around us.

I have a theory. As a former journalist myself, I believe the philosophy of news — “if it bleeds, it leads” — has corrupted our individual and collective consciousness. With negative news bombarding us daily, it’s easy to fall into the TRAP of believing the world is mostly bad, and getting worse by the day…

That’s NOT TRUE. 

Autumn Sun shining through Irish Mist at Sunrise.
Autumn Sun shining through Irish Mist at Sunrise.

There also are so many good things happening — new life, exciting discoveries, fresh insights and a cornucopia of beauty to appreciate every day. Unfortunately, we don’t hear about these pockets of goodness and hope anywhere near as much as the doom and gloom. 

But it’s there. Sometimes you have to look for it.

So my Thanksgiving challenge to you is this: 

Take time to think about the things that make you happy. Make a list. What puts a smile on your face? What is it that brings more joy into your life? What makes you laugh? Look around you. What beauty surrounds you? 

There’s ALWAYS something beautiful in your life — EVERY DAY — whether it’s a physical thing, a person or a treasured memory.

So, for what things am I grateful?

  • My son and my new granddaughter.
  • My family here in Ireland.
  • The green Irish countryside.
  • Turf fires.
  • Good food.
  • A good laugh.
  • Strong coffee.
  • Colourful sunrises and sunsets.
  • Flowers everywhere.

This list could go on and on….


I am grateful to you for following my work. I love your kind comments, and I’m deeply thankful to be able to share the beauty of my world with you.

Thank you.

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