County Clare

The Wild Atlantic Geology of Ireland in County Clare.

Wild Atlantic Geology of Ireland

The Atlantic Ocean meets the limestone coast of the Burren Region in Ireland’s County Clare, an area sculpted over thousands of years — once covered by ice and now chiseled by the perpetual motion...

Crannog At Lake Knockalough

Crannog at Lake Knockalough, County Clare, Ireland

A sinking dock and the distant island, known as a crannog, are reflected in the still waters of Lake Knockalough near Kilmihil in County Clare, Ireland. Crannogs are the Medieval equivalent to present-day “safe...

Jet at Sunrise over Ireland’s Shannon River Valley

Jet at Sunrise over Ireland’s Shannon River Valley

An Eastbound flight races into the colorful sunrise over Ireland’s Shannon River Valley, home to County Clare’s popular Shannon International Airport. The location of Shannon Airport, between Limerick City in County Limerick and Ennis...

Celtic Cross inside Church Ruins in County Clare, Ireland

Celtic Cross in Church Ruins

A weathered Celtic cross marks one of many graves inside the stone walls of Dysert O’Dea church, built on the site of an early Christian monastery founded by Saint Tola in the 8th Century...

End of the Rainbow in County Clare

End of the Rainbow in County Clare

A brilliant rainbow appears to end at the mound of golden gorse near Crovraghan in County Clare, near the village of Kildysart. If you love the natural beauty and timeless wisdom of Ireland, you’ll...

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