County Clare

700 Years of Irish History at Quin Abbey

700 Years of Irish History at Quin Abbey

This image represents more than 700 years of Irish history! The Celtic cross marks a grave in the cemetery at Quin Abbey, a National Monument of Ireland, which dates back to the 13th Century....

Magpies At Sunrise over County Clare, Ireland

Eurasian Magpies stand watch over the Irish sunrise

Eurasian Magpies stand watch over the Irish sunrise in the enchanting County Clare countryside. These birds, part of the crow family, are recognized for their high level of intelligence and propensity for larcenous behavior....

Doonagore Castle

Doonagore Castle, Doolin, County Clare, Ireland

Doonagore Castle is one of the most photographed castles in Ireland, more for its romantic Medieval appearance than its inhospitable and possibly gruesome role in the events of September 1588 along the County Clare...

Wild Irish Roses of County Clare

Wild Irish Roses of County Clare

Wild Irish Roses burst into color in the enchanting Irish countryside over Lissycasey, County Clare, Ireland. Now, if you’re like me, just saying the name of those lovely flowers has the song running through...

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