ireland travel

Galway Countryside from Yeats Tower

View from Thoor Ballylee Rooftop Battlements

High above the County Galway countryside, these sculpted limestone battlements, bleached by nature over more than 600 years, granted the Norman builders of Thoor Ballylee (Yeats Tower) a crisp view of the surrounding terrain...

Flowers in the Markree Castle Moat

Flowers in the Markree Castle Moat, County Sligo

Flowers splash their pastel colors on the River Unshin at Markree Castle Estate in County Sligo, Ireland. The river acts as a partial moat for the 14th Century castle, which served as the private...

12th Century High Cross and Romanesque Church Ruins in Ireland's

12th Century High Cross & Church Ruins in County Clare

Nestled in the countryside of Ireland’s County Clare,  near the quaint little village of Corofin, is the Clare Archaeology Centre, which features 25 original monuments and points of interest dating to 1000 B.C. This...

Misty Morning on Lake Knockalough

Misty morning on Lake Knockalough, County Clare

A morning Irish mist rises on Lake Knockalough, near Kilmihil in County Clare, Ireland. This tranquil spot, partially developed as a recreational and picnic area, has a rich history dating back to hundreds of...

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