ireland travel

Orange Flowers in Irish Graveyard

Orange Wildflowers Against a Stone Wall

If you’ve been following me for any time at all, you know I love to capture images of flowers and textures of stone, infused with Irish history and soul from bygone years. This photo...

Under the Autograph Tree in County Galway's Coole Park

Under the Autograph Tree in County Galway’s Coole Park

The afternoon Spring sun sparkles through the bronze leaves of Coole Park’s famous Copper Beech “Autograph Tree,”  which bears the carved initials of some of the biggest names in Irish literary history, including W.B....

Battlefield of Dysert O'Dea

Battlefield of Dysert O’Dea in County Clare

Hundreds of years ago, on May 10, 1318, this gentle stream in the County Clare countryside may have been flowing red with the blood of soldiers of the Gaelic Irish chieftain Connor O’Dea and...

Irish Cottage in Spring near Kilrush in County Clare, Ireland.

Irish Cottage in Spring at County Clare

Natural hedges of Gorse, the brilliant yellow flowering bush, surround this abandoned Irish cottage in the County Clare countryside near Kilrush. You can see this same cottage during late Autumn, with gray skies and...

Rowboat on an Irish Lake

Rowboat on an Irish Lake

A lone rowboat awaits its next excursion on the shores of County Clare’s historic Lake Knockalough near the village of Kilmihil. This artwork is based on one of my original images.

Castle in Irish Countryside

Castle in the Irish Countryside

The Medieval Dysert O’Dea Castle is framed by the Spring leaves of chestnut trees in this view from a pasture East of the 15th Century tower house in the Irish countryside of County Clare....

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