irish tourism

Castle in Irish Countryside

Castle in the Irish Countryside

The Medieval Dysert O’Dea Castle is framed by the Spring leaves of chestnut trees in this view from a pasture East of the 15th Century tower house in the Irish countryside of County Clare....

Dunmanus Bay Seascape in County Cork, Ireland

Dunmanus Bay Seascape, County Cork, Ireland

The rocky shores of County Cork’s Mizen Peninsula exchange  wavelets with the Sheep’s Head Peninsula across the historic waters of Dunmanus Bay. This bay has played a significant role in the commercial development of...

Sunny Afternoon at Lough Coole

Sunny Spring Afternoon at Lough Coole

A sitting area along Lough Coole in the former Lady Gregory Estate in County Galway invites visitors to relax and take in the scenery that inspired much of the work of Nobel prize-winning poet...

A double-rainbow in the hills of Lissycasey, County Clare, Ireland

Double rainbow in the hills of County Clare, Ireland

Here’s one of my favorite shots capturing the spirit of ‘quintessential #Ireland’ with the brilliant green Irish countryside spotlighted by a double rainbow on a tranquil summer evening. This image appears in Mystical Moods...

15th Century Dysert O'Dea Castle framed in Spring Tree Branches

Dysert O’Dea Castle framed in Spring Branches

Tree branches preparing to sprout their Spring leaves frame the imposing Medieval architecture of Dysert O’Dea Castle in County Clare, Ireland. Narrow bow-slit windows penetrate the thick stone walls of this stronghold of the...

Chilly Irish Sunrise as Winter Fades

Chilly Irish Sunrise as Winter Fades

The rising sun casts an orange glow this morning over the Shannon River Valley and the River Fergus in County Clare, Ireland, during one last defiant burst of frigid weather before Winter fades and...

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